Workers' Compensation

Reduce liability and receive affordable "A" rated workers' compensation coverage with AllianceHR


We've got you Covered

AllianceHR makes getting covered by an “A” rated workers' comp carrier Insurance  is easier than ever.  All clients are enrolled under our master policy and covered by us. As your professional employer organization (PEO), we assume all liability for any workers' comp claims or management.

“It was a challenge to manage workers' comp on my own with the reports, compliance, and dreadful end-of-the-year audits. Now Alliance HR manages all of that for me.”
- Steve CampbellGeneral Manager, Drywall Builders Enterprises

What’s Included

In the industries that we service, the need for quality workers' compensation coverage is paramount but often costly. AllianceHR’s policy ensures your business quality coverage that is comprehensive, affordable, and custom to your industry-specific needs.
  • Affordable, Top-Tier Coverage

    • Comparatively better rates than other providers
    • “A” rated coverage
    • Equipped for industries with comprehensive coverage needs
  • Reduces liability

    • Saves internal staff time & stress
    • Complete oversight from start to finish
  • Internal Staff Trainings on Safety & Claim Filing Protocols

    • Reduces risk and incidental costs
    • Ensures staff are following proper protocols
    • Specialized training for your line of work
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    Get a quote

    Our simple percentage pricing model helps you accurately forecast payments, eliminates hidden fees, and offers more value at a lower rate. We provide custom rates based on the size of your payroll, line of work, and loss history. 

    This tailored approach keeps the payment process simple and cuts out unnecessary costs, so you’re only paying for exactly what you need. Best, of all, partnering with us means you’ll never have to deal with large premiums, or audits ever again

    To email customer support, please contact [email protected].